Thursday, 23 May 2013

STUDY TOUR IN ITALY FOR THE DELEGATION OF MULTI-LOCAL WOMEN'S PARTNERSHIP AGAINST POVERTY" PROJECT (a project co-funded by the European Commission and implemented by FORMAPER-CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Milan -leader of the Consortium-, in partnership with 6 Italian and foreign partners

The project started in 2011 and involves about 50 governmental and non-governmental organizations from Italy and the 4 beneficiary countries, namely: Russia, China, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
The project’s goal is the improvement of the existing interventions in support of disadvantaged and vulnerable women, to be achieved through training and exchange of best practices on issues related to the fight against poverty and the support to income generation for women. In this regard, the Project fosters cooperation and the signing of transregional and transnational partnership agreements among the many stakeholders involved, as well as the organization of lobbying strategies aimed at raising awareness on the benefits of women’s inclusion in economic life, in particularly through the support to (micro) female entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship.
Several meetings with Italian State and Non-State organizations were held in the week 13-18 May, 2013 as part of the study visits programme organized by the Italian partners of the project: FORMAPER-MILAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ( and LEF-Italian Italian Coordination of the European Women's Lobby
( A seminar entitled “East West Women Against Poverty: An Exchange of good practices ", was held in Rome last 16 May, in collaboration with the Information Office of the European Parliament in Italy, to exchange good practices with European and Italian institutions and civil society organizations for the implementation of new, effective actions in support of disadvantaged women.
The study tour has been attended by 21 delegates from governmental and non-governmental organizations from Russia, China, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The meetings showed, once again, how the obstacles to women’s empowerment have many common aspects in Italy and in the countries beneficiaries of the Project. Hence the importance of activating synergistic actions to remove these obstacles and to allow the full participation of women in economic, social and political life. The issue of the global economic crisis, which is affecting women almost everywhere in a very dramatic way, was one of the most debated issues during the meetings.
The next few months will be dedicated to monitoring the quality of the actions undertaken in the partners’ countries (particularly the short term impact on beneficiaries women) and the consolidation of international partnerships established during the Project.

For further information please contact:

Francesca de Paula
Project Manager
International Relations Dep., FORMAPER - Milan Chamber of Commerce
Via Santa Marta, 18-20123 Milan
Tel 02 8515 4553; Email:

Maria Ludovica Bottarelli Tranquilli-Leali
Secretary General / Project Manager
Italian Coordination of the European Women's Lobby
Via Mentone, 4b-00185 Rome
Tel 06 4941491/4913386580531

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