Monday, 12 November 2012

Некоммерческое партнёрство "Звезда надежды"
Социальная технология социально-экономической реабилитации алкозависимой женщины

Holding activities of the international program “Multilocal Women’s Partnership against Poverty” the activists of NP “Zvezda Nadezhdy” paid their attention to the fact that one of the most important reason for poverty is women alcoholism that reduces the ability of not only women but also their children to adapt to society, and significantly reduces their skills of self-employment, self-production, and job placement.

Considering the importance of solving this problem to further raise financial state of families, we have worked out a technology of social and economic rehabilitation for alcohol addicted women.

The goal of the technology: social and professional rehabilitation of alcohol addicted women.

During the work with a client further tasks are solved:

1.      To assist in getting independence from alcohol addiction

2.      To assist women in personal, social and professional self-determination

3.      To assist in getting pre-professional education and permanent source of income.

The unique feature of the technology lays in the fact that it is realized on the basis of social partnership of the leading institution (State Institution of Social Service in the Kaliningrad Region “The Centre of Social Assistance to Family and Children”) with institutions of health, education, social assistance, employment centers, local administrations and their departments, and NGOs.

The technology comprises three modules:

Module 1. Assistance in getting independence from alcohol addiction.

Module 2. Assistance in personal self-determination.

Module 3. Assistance in social self-determination.


Activities of the 1st Module on getting independence from alcohol are held in close cooperation with psychologist, specialist of social work and psychiatrist who diagnose socio-psychological and socio-economic problems of women and solve them. The 1st Module ends with psychotherapy for alcohol dependence in a medical institution on the agreement with the leading institution.

The special role in solving socio-economic problems of women is taken by the second module – assistance in their professional self-determination, consisting of two blocks (teaching professional skills and teaching employment skills).

Activities, held on the basis of cooperation of Centre of Social Assistance to Family and Children, Employment Centre and NGOs, allow a woman to educe personal interests and abilities, to understand the demands of the market and of an employer to an employee, to realize the necessity of working practice, to form the skills of work management and compliance with safety arrangements and to make a right choice of profession.

Work with women is based on the results of diagnostics of their professional self-determination problems. Then there comes solving of the found problems and teaching pre-professional skills of working on computer, tailoring, and employment skills.

The authors of the technology analyze possible problems of women and offer the following methods of their solving (table 1).

Table 1

Solving Women Problems through Teaching Employment Skills

Main Women Problems
Method of Solving
Low level of law knowledge in the sphere of labour and employment
Familiarizing with law aspects, business games, training
Expert, lawyer
The absence of skills to find job vacancies
Familiarizing with ways of searching for a job, discussions, business games, training
Expert, specialists of social work
Absence of knowledge about personal opportunities and professionally significant features
Expert, specialists of social work
Absence of skills in writing CV
Preparing CV, business games, training
Expert, specialists of social work, psychologist
Familiarizing with the main parts of self-presentation.
Business games, training, self-presentation
Expert, psychologist
Forming communicative competence
Practice, brainstorm, business games, training
Expert, psychologist


The main result of all the activities held is the raise of living quality of women who became independent from alcohol addiction.

As criteria of successful solving of low income problem connected with the absence of permanent work place, the following indices were offered in the technology:

- permanent workplace with the income not lower than minimum cost of living;

- ability to provide basic needs of a child;

- use of opportunities of self-production through self-employment (household plot, crafts, small business).

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