Wednesday, 10 July 2013

No progress without women in the post-Rio process

  ChiangMai(29June,2012):The Rio+20 Outcome Document did not break new ground for gender equality and women’s human rights,and did not establish any binding commitments from governments for just development.As we move past Rio+20,states have a vital opportunity to create and commit to Sustainable development Goals(SDGs) that can rectify in justices. Women from Asia Pacific demand that governments address four critical issues in the post-Rio process.Access to and control over resources,economic rights and a living wage, militarisation,and meaningful participation in policy-making significantly impact women across the region, yet states have made no commitments to resolve injustices.
We acknowledge that the Out come Document of Rio+20 recognise the importance of promoting gender equality and empowerment of women,and in particular the importance of women’s access to ownership and control over land and natural resources,healthcare,social services and education (paras.109,240);decent working conditions and social protection for women in the informal sector(paras.153,156); protection of human rights and fundamental  freedom of all migrants regardless of migration status, Especially women(para.157);and women’s full and equal participation in decision making and management and leadership in all areas at all levels(paras.45,236,237).
However,were main unconvinced that these will be made into policy with regulated mechanisms to make these commitments a reality.The‘green economy’is still based on the current neoliberal economy and will not resolve the financial,economic,food,energy and climate crises that the system has caused.Instead it will only deepen poverty,exclusion and injustice in society,especially for rural,indigenous and migrant women.Without addressing the cause of the crises and historical and structural discrimination against women,the‘green economy’will continue to marginalise rural,indigenous and migrant women.We are concerned that ‘green economy’ will merely instrumentalise women for economic growth and the profit of the private sector.
A full description of the critical issues for Asia Pacific women is attached.
The women of Asia Pacific remain committed to engaging in sustainable development in all its future measures,processes and structures.Weare determined to fully participate in establishing,supporting and monitoring the implementation of the sustainable development out comes and goals in the region.But we demand that governments address these key issues and commit to SDGs so women can have a leading voice in the post-Rio process.


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